Time is of the essence
Today is the day, to believe, to love, to leap, to just do it. There is no time like the present and life is not promised to anyone. Laugh loudly, hug often and lunge in the direction of your love. Whether that is a talent, a relationship, a goal, a new career, the only thing you have to lose is fear. If you fall on your face get back up and try again. Many have fallen before you and still recovered. Time is short; many did not wake up this morning but you did so don't disappoint the universe. Someone is out there waiting for you to believe in yourself, go after your dreams; to say I love you.
I love you. Yes, you music. I am doing everything I can to stay in touch with you and share you with the world. I will give a moment to you today because you have blessed me so much. You pump blood through me. And thank you Lord for everything... for this gift, for this day and for the love inside my heart for those around me and your purposes for me life. I love you MOST.
Be blessed,
Chelsea Nichole