Listen to the silence

Close your eyes. Listen to something outside of yourself that is not designed to condition you: Meaning not the lyrics of a song or a video on YouTube and not the Housewives on Bravo. Just listen to the silence.
In this time, the birds are waiting to be heard, the wind still whispers too but we can't hear it anymore. We are so distracted by the voices of others and the things online and the TV that we never stop to really hear. We don't reach into ourselves anymore and find answers. We reach out to others and we avoid God. Many of our answers and blueprints to our platinum dreams, are right there in the silence.
I decided to take each morning and spend just 5 minutes of silence in a particular chair. It grounded me and focused me. It made me feel like everything was ok and will be. It gave me a sense like the boiling water of my life just lost the fire underneath it. All is well in the end. I am here for a purpose. It's going to be ok.
How many people have gone before me? How many have love and lost and paid the cost and still survived? Who else sat like me, hearing the silence, feeling better as they centered?. Millions. And in the end it is ok. If it's not ok, it is not the end.
Be still.